What is Docker?🤷‍♀️

Ritik Kumar Tiwari
2 min readJan 15, 2023

Docker is a platform that allows developers to easily create, deploy, and run applications in containers. A container is a lightweight, stand-alone executable package that includes everything an application needs to run, including code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings. By packaging an application in a container, developers can ensure that the application will run consistently across different environments, including different operating systems and infrastructure.

Docker is built on top of the Linux kernel and uses features such as namespaces and cgroups to isolate and manage containers. This allows multiple containers to run on the same host without interfering with each other, and also enables containers to share resources such as the host’s network and storage.

One of the key benefits of using Docker is that it allows developers to easily create and manage containers for different parts of their application. For example, a developer can create a container for the web server, another for the database, and another for the application code.

This makes it easy to scale and manage different parts of the application separately, and also makes it easy to test and deploy different versions of the application.

Docker also provides a centralized repository for storing and sharing containers, called the Docker Hub.

This allows developers to easily find and reuse existing containers, as well as share their own containers with others. This can save a lot of time and effort, as developers don’t have to create containers from scratch every time they need to use a new application or service.

Another advantage of Docker is that it allows developers to easily move their applications between different environments, such as from development to production.

Because a container includes everything an application needs to run, developers can simply copy the container to the new environment and run it there, without having to worry about configuring or setting up the environment.

Docker also provides a number of tools for managing and scaling containers, such as the Docker Compose tool for defining and running multi-container applications, and the Docker Swarm tool for managing and scaling a cluster of Docker engines.

This makes it easy for developers to create, deploy, and manage large-scale, distributed applications.

Overall, Docker is a powerful tool that can help developers create and manage applications more easily and efficiently. It allows developers to package and isolate applications, making them more portable and consistent across different environments.

It also provides a centralized repository for storing and sharing containers, and a number of tools for managing and scaling applications.

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Ritik Kumar Tiwari

Cloud Database Administrator @DXC Technology | 5.6k LinkedIn Followers ❤️| DevOps Tools & Cloud Enthusiast | 2x-Azure Certified | GCP ☁️