Day1 of #90daysof Devops 😊🎯

Ritik Kumar Tiwari
3 min readJan 13, 2023

This is #90daysofdevops challenge with Ritik Kumar Tiwari under the supervision of Shubham Londhe sir.

Day-1 Task:

What is Devops?

In order to provide software more quickly and reliably, DevOps is a software development practise that encourages collaboration between development and operations. DevOps, which is frequently referred to as a culture, links people, processes, and technology to produce continuous value.

DevOps is a methodology that, contrary to conventional methods, combines the efforts of the development and operations teams to create software. This approach is known as the Agile Methodology.

What is Automation?

In short, DevOps automation is the use of technology to augment processes that enable feedback loops between operations and development teams in order to hasten the deployment of iterative changes to applications in production.

Fast processing and testing are essential for DevOps. Automation plays a key role in enabling DevOps to support numerous projects and pipelines in an economical manner.

What is Scaling?

Developers or businesses can adopt the DevOps mindset and select the appropriate technology to scale their business growth in an automation-driven environment known as “scaling in DevOps.”

Companies will undoubtedly choose a variety of methods to implement a devops culture, but size adds new difficulties that can make Devops adoption difficult.

What is Infrastructure in DevOps?

Infrastructure management with the aid of code is the primary principle behind the DevOps infrastructure or Infrastructure Automation under DevOps concept. This is accomplished with the aid of specific applications or technologies that can assist in automating the duties! The following list includes some of the top IAC tools. (Ansible, Terraform, CloudFormation , SaltStack etc…)

DevOps using SpectralOps aids with infrastructure automation. This makes it possible for the operations staff and the developers to automatically manage, facilitate, and monitor the resources. Having to complete everything manually might save time and work, but would also likely slow down the process and make an organisation less effective.

Here are some advantages of using DevOps to infrastructure.


✔Superior Quality

✔Reduction in recovery time

Why DevOps is Most Impotant?

DevOps is significant because it is a software development and operations methodology that makes it possible to produce new products more quickly and maintain deployed software more easily.

Your first priority should be to improve your teams’ capacity to adapt to change because it forms the basis for all the advantages that DevOps offers.

DevOps is divided into five key categories:

a. Automation

b. Cloud native development

c. Culture

d. Security

e. Observability.

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Ritik Kumar Tiwari

Cloud Database Administrator @DXC Technology | 5.6k LinkedIn Followers ❤️| DevOps Tools & Cloud Enthusiast | 2x-Azure Certified | GCP ☁️