A hands-on lab for learning Docker

Ritik Kumar Tiwari
3 min readJan 16, 2023

A hands-on lab for learning Docker would typically involve the following steps:

  1. Installing Docker on your computer: This would involve downloading and installing the Docker software, which can be done by visiting the Docker website and following the instructions for your specific operating system.
  2. Running your first container: Once Docker is installed, you can start running your first container by using the “docker run” command. This would involve pulling an image from the Docker Hub (which is a repository of pre-built container images) and running it on your computer.
  3. Creating a container from a Dockerfile: A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for building a container image. In this step, you would learn how to write a basic Dockerfile and use it to build your own container image.
  4. Managing containers: You would learn how to start, stop, and remove containers, as well as how to view the status of running containers.
  5. Using volumes: You would learn how to mount a host directory as a volume in a container, which allows you to share files between the container and host.
  6. Creating a multi-container application: You would learn how to use the Docker Compose tool to create and manage a multi-container application. This would involve defining the application’s architecture using a docker-compose.yml file, and then using the docker-compose up command to start all the containers.
  7. Deploying a container to a production environment: You would learn how to deploy a container to a production environment, such as a cloud-based platform or a virtual private server.
  8. Scaling containers: You would learn how to scale containers using the Docker Swarm tool, which allows you to create and manage a cluster of Docker engines.
Docker hands on lab tips..

Here are some steps you can follow to get started with using Docker:

  1. Install Docker on your machine by following the instructions on the Docker website (https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)
  2. Once you have Docker installed, open a terminal and run the command “docker run hello-world” to verify that Docker is working properly.
  3. To run a container, use the command “docker run -it <image-name>” . For example, to run an Ubuntu container, use the command “docker run -it ubuntu”
  4. To list all running containers, use the command “docker ps”
  5. To stop a running container, use the command “docker stop <container-id>”
  6. To remove a container, use the command “docker rm <container-id>”
  7. To build your own image, you can use a Dockerfile that contains instructions on how to build the image.

Overall, a hands-on lab for learning Docker would give you an opportunity to practice using the various Docker commands and tools, and gain a deeper understanding of how to use Docker to create, deploy, and manage containers.

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Ritik Kumar Tiwari

Cloud Database Administrator @DXC Technology | 5.6k LinkedIn Followers ❤️| DevOps Tools & Cloud Enthusiast | 2x-Azure Certified | GCP ☁️